API Protocol for Multi-Account Systems

This documentation page describes the API protocol that is available for grouped accounts, for the management of accounts within the group. Grouped accounts are a special feature reserved for large or enterprise accounts.

Managing Individual Accounts

Individual accounts within a multi-account system can all be managed with a single API key, as long as that key is created from the "Global administrators" page within the "manage accounts" menu.

When using such a key, it is used exactly the same as a normal API key, except that an additional parameter needs to be provided to specify the account that the action is for. This parameter is account_id and is added as a query parameter. The Account ID for each account is shown in the "manage accounts" menu.

Example request

The following example shows how to retrieve contacts for an account:

curl https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/contacts/?account_id=20 -u CAJgeo1bepNW2bpQWPDlrnhT8hwOAZCE:

Additional Objects

This section details the additional objects that are available for multi-account systems, along with the possible actions and the parameters that should be sent.


The account object is used for managing accounts within a group of accounts.

General object format

id Simplelists identifier for the account
description A free text description to identify the account
administrator The initial administrator of the account
lists An array of lists in the account (read requests only)
users An array of standard users in the account (read requests only)

The following additional parameters are available when reading or writing a single account:

confirmation_message The confirmation message used as the email body for subscription and confirmation requests.
confirmation_subject The subject line of confirmation emails used for subscription and confirmation requests.
welcome_message Custom message displayed to the user once they confirm their email address.
send_welcome_message_confirmation Boolean value indicating whether the welcome message should be emailed to a member when they confirm their email address.
send_welcome_message_contacts Boolean value indicating whether the welcome message should be emailed to a contact as soon as they are added to the account.
timezone Timezone of the account.
custom_image URL of a custom image to use for the account.
notify_approvalSetting for sending approval notification emails:
Do not send notification of messages held for approval
Notify list manager when any messages are held for approval
Delete all messages held for approval
Delete messages held for approval if not from list member
subscriptions Whether subscriptions are enabled by default on this account (can be overridden per list). Set to “open” (enabled), “open+confirm” (enabled with approval by list owner) or “closed” (not enabled).
unsubscriptions Whether unsubscriptions are enabled by default on this account (can be overridden per list). Set to “open” (enabled), “open+confirm” (enabled with approval by list owner) or “closed” (not enabled).
list_delegation Boolean value indicating whether list owners can delegate access to their lists to new and existing administrators.
restrict_contact Array of regular expressions that will be used to check any email address added to the account. Any email address not matching one or more of these patterns will be rejected.
restrict_contact_subscription Array of regular expressions that will be used to check any email address of a subscription request. Any email address not matching one or more of these patterns will be rejected.
require_list_approval Boolean value indicating whether new lists need to be approved.

Retrieving a single account

Use a GET request to retrieve a single account using a Simplelists identifier.

Method: GET
URI: https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/:id/ (where :id is a Simplelists account identifier)
Query parameters: Optionally use the following URL parameters:
  • page to request the page number of the results
  • limit to specify the number of contacts in the response (default 100, maximum 1000)
  • listname to return only accounts that contain the specified list
  • username to return only accounts that have the specified username as a permitted user (standard users only)
Response: A JSON object containing a single account object
Example: curl https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/24/ -u CAJgeo1bepNW2bpQWPDlrnhT8hwOAZCE:

Retrieving multiple accounts

Use a GET request to retrieve all accounts.

Method: GET
URI: https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/
Query parameters: None
Response: A JSON list containing account objects
Example: curl https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/ -u CAJgeo1bepNW2bpQWPDlrnhT8hwOAZCE:

Creating a new account

Use a POST request to create an account.

Method: POST
URI: https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/
Body parameters: Use the parameters of an account object in the body of the request.
Response: A JSON object containing the created account
Example: curl https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/ \
-u CAJgeo1bepNW2bpQWPDlrnhT8hwOAZCE: \
-d description="New account" \
-d administrator=john@example.com \
-d domain=test.simplelists.com

Updating an account

Use a PUT request to update a single account object.

Method: PUT
URI: https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/:id/ (where :id is a Simplelists account identifier)
Body parameters: Add all or any of an account object's properties to the body of the request to update them
Response: A JSON object containing the updated account object
Example: curl https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/:id/ \
-X PUT \
-u CAJgeo1bepNW2bpQWPDlrnhT8hwOAZCE: \
-d confirmation_message=Hello

Deleting an account

Use a DELETE request to delete a single account.

Method: DELETE
URI: https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/:id/ (where :id is a Simplelists account identifier)
Parameters: None
Response: A JSON success message
Example: curl -X DELETE https://outbound204.simplelists.com/api/2/accounts/26/ \
-u CAJgeo1bepNW2bpQWPDlrnhT8hwOAZCE: